Working Wardrobe

Working Wardrobe has been set up to tackle another barrier into employment that so many men and women face today. That barrier is the lack of suitable clothing to wear in order to make a good first impression at the interview.

We want to give those people the best possible chance of making the best first impression to be successful in getting that job.

On referral, the customer will receive a one to one appointment in the town centre store, choosing an outfit and accessories to keep at no cost to them.

They’ll also get final interview preparation advice. We ask each customer to bring a recent copy of their CV and the job description/person spec so we can really tailor the interview preparation.

We also now offer online interview preparation. Again, we ask to see a copy of the CV, job and person spec before the appointment.

As part of the full service, we give anyone who is successful in their interview in work support for up to six months. This is so important as getting back into work can often be a difficult and troublesome period for some. They’ll be assigned their own officer that will help with any issues that may prevent the client sustaining that employment, and this support will be tailored to their needs.

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